To make our reviews comprehensive and fair we follow a strict editorial process. Our team at Trusted Flooring Reviews gather information from multiple sources, including customer feedback and industry reports and direct communication with flooring companies. Our reviews are based on product quality, customer service, pricing and overall value.
We rate each company not only on what they offer but on real customer experiences so you get the whole picture before settling for a flooring company. We don’t accept payments or are not affiliated to any of the mentioned companies and don’t receive pay for positive reviews so we can remain independent and credible. By combining research with analysis we give accurate and honest reviews about all the flooring companies near you.
Our team of flooring experts have years of knowledge and experience in home improvement and flooring industries. We are committed to giving you honest reviews to help you make informed decisions.
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At Trusted Flooring Reviews, we’re proud to help homeowners and businesses find reliable, top-quality flooring companies through our in-depth and unbiased reviews. Here is what some of our satisfied readers have to say about their experience with us.
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